Yellow Roses and Yellow Asiatic Lily

₹ 2149 ₹ 3000

Radiant Sunshine: 20 Yellow Roses, 3 Yellow Asiatic Lilies in a Glass Vase

Bask in the warmth of sunshine and happiness with our stunning bouquet featuring 20 vibrant yellow roses and 3 radiant yellow Asiatic lilies, elegantly arranged in a clear glass vase. This magnificent combination of roses and lilies creates a vibrant burst of color that symbolizes joy, friendship, and the promise of new beginnings. The 20 yellow roses represent admiration and appreciation, making them a perfect choice to express your fondness and gratitude. The 3 yellow Asiatic lilies add a touch of exotic elegance, symbolizing positivity and good fortune. Together, they form a harmonious ensemble that brightens any space and brings smiles to faces.

Our skilled florists hand-select and arrange each flower with precision to ensure a breathtaking presentation.

The combination of yellow roses and yellow Asiatic lilies creates a visually striking and cheerful display.

You can personalize your gift with a heartfelt message or choose from our selection of greeting cards.

The glass vase can be reused as a stylish decor piece or for displaying future floral arrangements.

We offer convenient and reliable delivery options to ensure your gift arrives in pristine condition and on time.