Pink Carnations & Roses n White Asiatic Lilies

₹ 1149 ₹ 1500

Pretty in Pink: 10 Carnations, 5 Roses, 2 Lilies, All Wrapped in Love

Delight in the delicate beauty of our enchanting bouquet that harmoniously combines the soft hues of 10 Pink Carnations, 5 Pink Roses, and 2 White Asiatic Lilies, all lovingly encased in charming pink packing paper and adorned with a dainty pink ribbon. This bouquet is a celebration of romance, grace, and timeless elegance.

The 10 Pink Carnations exude admiration and affection, making them a perfect choice to express your heartfelt emotions. Their frilly petals add a touch of whimsy to the arrangement. The 5 Pink Roses symbolize love and gratitude, while the 2 White Asiatic Lilies bring purity and serenity to the ensemble. Together, these blooms create a visual masterpiece that radiates love and positivity.

Our skilled florists arrange each flower with care to ensure a stunning presentation.

The combination of pink and white blooms creates a visually captivating and harmonious display.

You have the option to include a personalized message to convey your feelings and make your gift even more meaningful.

This bouquet is versatile and suitable for various settings, from homes and offices to special events and gatherings.

We offer reliable and timely delivery options to ensure your gift reaches its destination in perfect condition.

Consider adding a vase to complete the gift package and provide a stylish display option.